Licensed Marriage Family Therapist
Specializing in Adolescents
Melissa has been practicing as a family therapist since 1996, As a Licensed Marriage Family Therapist, she specializes in treating children, adolescents and young adults experiencing issues with substance abuse, eating disorders, anxiety, depression, bipolar, divorce, trauma and self-injurious behavior

Melissa's experience includes working with people experiencing suicide/self-injurious behavior prevention training, group therapy for teens with substance abuse issues, assessing children in school settings, developing treatment programs for high risk youth at continuation schools and juvenile hall, and working with children experiencing divorce, trauma, foster care and/or are struggling with anxiety and depression. She has an extensive background working with adolescents and young adults.
Services that are offered include individual and family therapy, and assistance with parenting. Melissa has a passion for helping people develop healthy coping skills so they can heal and begin living as a happy adults. Her therapy is supportive, educational, nonjudgemental and cognitive based. She has a unique ability to connect with people that struggle with trusting others and/or are resistant to treatment.
Eating Disorders
Substance Abuse
Suicidal Ideation
Bipolar Disorder
Panic Disorder
Self-Injurious Behavior